- Accepting Birds for the 2025 Race Series: May 1st - August 1st.
- Replacements until August 15th
- Perch Fee: $125 per Bird (non-refundable). Birds with unpaid perch fees will not enter the racing loft.
- 1 Backup for every 5 birds paid for.
- For example: send 6 and pay for 5 birds, Send 12 and pay for 10 birds.
- Entry Fee: $250 per bird due after the 125-mile activation race (mandatory).
- If your bird doesn't go to the 200 miler, you will be refunded your entry fee.
- All birds that are not paid for by the deadline of one week following the 125-mile Activation Toss will become the property of the High Desert yearling Classic.
- All or nothing Activation of the team.
- 10% withheld for expenses.
- Races: Plans include 200, 300 & 360-mile race series in May & June as Yearlings.
- 125 Mile Activation, Ruby Ridge Junction, NV.
- 200 Mile Race, McGill, NV.
- 300 Mile Race, Bristol Wells Jct., NV.
- 360 Miles Race, Del Mar, NV.
- The course is a South to North course. The birds will fly from Nevada into Southern Idaho.
- Race dates vary depending on the weather.
- Birds are hand-scanned before every race.
- In the event that no birds clock within the 48-hour period all money will be divided equally among actual birds sent to that particular race and refunded minus 15%.
- Payout: Prizes are paid by the first drop then clocking order in the 300 and 360-mile race. If a bird does not clock and is known to have been in the drop, the bird will be entered as the last bird in that drop. If there is a tie, the birds will share that prize equally.
- 200 Mile Race - $100 each to the top 20 through the trap.
- 300 Mile Race - 30% of prize money to the top 10% going to the race.
- 360 Mile Race - 50% of prize money to the top 10% going to the race.
- Average Speed - Top 6 Birds - 20% of the prize money.
- W-9 forms will need to be completed if winnings are over $600.
- Upon Arrival: All birds will be quarantined and vaccinated for PMV and treated for internal/external parasites before entering the racing loft. All birds will be chipped and entered into Wincompanion once the Previous Race Season is over.
- Training: If weather permits tosses will begin in the Fall and will resume in the Spring.
- The sexes are seperated in the spring once we get out to 40 miles.
- After the Race Season: Any birds not claimed 10 days after the last race become the property of the High Desert Yearling Classic and can be sold or disposed of at the discretion of the Loft Manager.
- Birds remain property of the Breeder and are returned for the Actual Cost of postage from the Post Office (Savings of $10-$40 per box depending on destination).
2025 - Two and Three-Year-Old Series
- Anyone who wants to leave their yearling birds and race them as a two-year-old can. Also any two-year-olds can be left to fly the following year as three year olds. Two and three year olds will be held and loft flown with all the yearling pigeons. Sexes are separated a couple of months before the races begin.
- Perch fee = $100 per bird. (Due two weeks after yearling final)
- Entry Fee = $200 per bird. Due after the Activation Race in Spring 2025
- 10% withheld for expenses.
- Birds will be listed in Wincompanion under Breeders as Team Two
- Races - Two and Three Year Olds will be racing the same schedule as yearlings: 125, 200, 300, and 360 miles.
- 125 Mile Activation, Ruby Ridge Junction, NV.
- 200 Mile Race, McGill, NV.
- 300 Mile Race, Bristol Wells Jct., NV.
- 360 Miles Race, Del Mar, NV.
- Two and Three Year Olds will be released 30 minutes after the Yearling birds.
- Payout - Two and Three Year Olds will show up on the same race results page as the Yearlings and will have a different payout.
- 200 Mile Race - $100 each to the top 5 through the trap.
- 300 Mile Race - 30% of prize money to the top 10% going to the race.
- 360 Mile Race - 50% of prize money to the top 10% going to the race.
- Average Speed - Top 4 Birds - 20% of the prize money.
Kenny King
3377 N 3065 E
Twin Falls, ID 83301
Corey King
Make checks Payable to: Kingsview Loft, Inc.
Email: highdesertyc@gmail.com